Throughout the year, Roussillon Fishing & Samuel ELGRISHI, State-certified fishing guide instructor, presents its leisure fishing and environmental education activities in the Eastern Pyrenees in fresh water. 

These events take place less than 15 minutes from Perpignan, near the St Cyprien lagoon. 

The lagoons, a clean and unique biotope of the Mediterranean. 

Fishing and Nature Initiation 

Discovery & environmental education workshop 

Line assembly workshop and awareness of aquatic environments - Outdoor or Indoor Salle. 

The appointment times for the activities are scheduled at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. 

10 children maximum from 7 to 12 years old will be welcomed by a fishing guide instructor. For larger groups, contact me. The transport remains the responsibility of the structure. 

During these workshops, autonomy, group cohesion, oral and manual participation will be highlighted. 

The theoretical environmental education workshops will bring a new look at life & water in a fun and simple way. 

As concrete examples: life around the lagoon, river, ponds, seas and oceans (the food chain), the water cycle, awareness of the different types of pollution caused by humans. 

Manual workshops where thoroughness, precision and calm will be essential.

For example, children will create their own fishing line and bait that they will later use. Coarse fishing is an appropriate technique to best approach this recreational sport. 

All necessary equipment and fishing licenses will be provided.

Coarse Fishing - Level 1 Initiation (7/11 years old). 


1- Discovery workshop. 

The safety instructions previously stated are there to give confidence to the learners. 

It is during this workshop that the learners and the instructor will introduce themselves and exchange their knowledge. It will also be the first “human” contact. (Taking into account the personality, avoid information overloads). 

The motivation for their intellectual awakening will be through playful explanations, the meaning of which will be supported by explanatory sheets (diagram, photos, etc.) and "question and answer" games. 

The progression of this session will be adapted according to the responsiveness and knowledge of each and the group. 

Material: explanatory sheets, table 

Objectives: Understand schematically and simply (visual and auditory learning) 

Control: learners' feelings, visual control, self-assessments, receptive learners and applicants. 

- life around a pond (mainly wildlife). Understand and respect nature. 

- Acceptance of the constraints and development of the learner during the learning process.

2- Presentation, demonstration and action of coarse fishing. 

Their concentration during this workshop will help develop their auditory and visual memory by teaching children to focus on a specific area and defined instructions. 

Learners will need to show skill, logic, self-control and group cohesion 

Equipment: 2 3-meter rods - 2 mounted lines (+2 spare) - 1 equipped fishing station (seat, hamper, bait, landing net, disgorger, scissors) / per fishing station 

Objectives: Acquire the handling of the equipment, its operation and take a fish as independently as possible. 

Control: visual control, sensitive control, self-assessments. 

- Bring the learners to acquire a gestural education ("lift, let go, pose, shoe") 

- Improve their fine motor skills (hand / finger independence, dexterity, patient) 

- Bring learners to orient themselves, get lateralized. 

- Acquire notions of "right - left / up - down" 

3- Snack breaks - fruit juice. 

It is during these moments of relaxation that the rhythm of the session will be broken, avoiding any information overload. 

Objectives: Keep listening and attention of learners. 

Control: learners' feelings, visual control, self-assessments, receptive learners and applicants. 

- Reminder of safety instructions: better acceptance of constraints. 

- Development of the learner during learning. 

4- The diploma. 

The objective of this document is to mark this day rich in exchanges and sensations. But also to value the learners, their progress during the session must be highlighted and followed if possible over time (cf. registration in a fishing school?)

Accredited Montpellier School Academy - DSDEN Pyrénées Orientales 

siret 791 460 389 00012

Académie Scolaire Montpellier - DSDEN Pyrénées Orientales 

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